Questions & Answers
Gaudiya Philosophy Questions & Answers

Are the Vedas Inherent in the Heart? (3)

When I was requested to comment on the discussion, I wrote as follows: “Jīva Gosvāmī has refuted sphota-vāda in Sarva-samvādini. It is not a question of citing some verses to prove a point but to understand the complete system. Does acintya-bhedabheda-vāda of Jīva Gosvāmī entertain the idea of sphota-vāda or the Veda or love being

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Articles by Satyanarayana Dasa Gaudiya Vaishnavas Questions & Answers

Are the Vedas Inherent in the Heart? (1)

Question: I’m currently exploring Bhaktivinod Thakur’s understanding of the nature of sastra. He seems to suggest that sastra (Veda) is an expression of the inherent knowledge of the jiva. Here is a fairly clear statement expressing this position (from ch. 3 of his Vaisnava-siddhanta-mala): Q: How can one know the truth about the Lord (bhagavat-tattva)?

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General Questions & Answers

Is Bhakti Dependent on Indian Culture?

QUESTION: Why can I not be a devotee of Kṛṣṇa without subscribing to Vedic or rather Indian customs? Why do I have to dress like an Indian, which even modern Indians don’t do? This may be alright while one is living in India, but to carry these customs to the West makes one look weird

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Questions & Answers

Try to Understand Mahaprabhu through Study of Shastra

Question: Sometimes devotees argue that there is no need to study and they give examples such as the story from Caitanya Caritamrita of the simple devotee who could not even read Bhagavad Gita, he was ‘reading’ it upside down and crying, but even so, Lord Caitanya was pleased with him. Answer: The point to take

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Gaudiya Philosophy Questions & Answers

More on the Origin of Jiva and the Siddhanta

Question: A question regarding Bhāgavatam 2.10.12 dravyaḿ karma ca kālaś ca svabhāvo jīva eva ca yad-anugrahataḥ santi na santi yad-upekṣayā Do you feel this is one of the pramānas establishing that the origin of the jīva is in Mahāviṣṇu / Puruṣa? I hear the verse like this: “He produced the fundamental material elements, and the

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Questions & Answers

Origin of the Jiva and Beginningless Karma

Question: Can you explain where the jivas have their origin. I understand it is in Paramatma, but Krsna also says that the living entities are his eternal fragmental parts (Gita 15.7). So what exactly does it mean? Answer: The simple principle, which I am sure you know, is that Bhagavan has three distinct saktis, namely

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Questions & Answers

Choice of Rasa, Following One’s Nature, Mahayuga

Question: Bhava and rasa are given by guru and when one accepts a guru, one is not aware of these things. So even though in rasa-shastra one always reads that one should perform seva and follow the inhabitants of Vraja according to one’s choice, there is not really so much choice of free will involved.

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