Questions & Answers
Questions & Answers

How Shraddha Can Be Lost

Question: You mentioned in one of your articles that when one commits an offense he/she may lose śraddhā. In Nāmarasa’s podcast you also mentioned that once we have real faith we cannot lose it. I believe by real faith you mean śāstrīya–śraddhā, not laukikī. I assume this because if one has śāstrīya–śraddhā one will avoid

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Questions & Answers

Rumors about Sadhus, Beginningless Karma

Question: I have come to know from ISKCON that Vaiṣṇavas observe the four regulative principles: No meat-eating No illicit sex No intoxication No gambling But while searching on the Internet, I found that Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava saints like Vamsidāsa Bābājī Mahārāja, Kishori-kishorananda Gosvāmī (Tinkari Bābā), and Gaura-kiśora dāsa Bābājī Mahārāja used to smoke tobacco, hashish, Ganja,

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Questions & Answers

Krishna’s Breakfast, Meaning of Dharma

Question: At what time does Kṛṣṇa have breakfast in prakaṭa-līlā and what does His menu consist of? Answer: Frankly speaking, such a question assumes that He has a watch and does His daily activities by the watch. The aṣṭakālīna ḷīlā description is for meditation. It does not mean that Kṛṣṇa follows His daily routine exactly

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Questions & Answers

Adharma, Mahaprabhu for Varnashrama, Sampradayas

Question: What is the difference between Māyāvāda, Brahmavāda, Jñāna-marga and Kevalādvaitavāda?  Some equate them all as the same, while others say that Śaṅkarites are Māyāvādis and jñāna-margis are different. Could you kindly shed some light on this subject? Answer: They are all the same. They are all Jñāna-mārga. That is the most common name.  * Adharmic

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Questions & Answers

Asuras in Krishna-Lila

Question: When the asuras take on a body in Krishna’s lila, is that body eternal, and if not how to understand that?  For example, Aghasura or Putana, who are his eternal associates, come as demons. Is this body their siddha svarupa? Answer: Krishna has two kinds of lilas, prakat and aprakat. When He appears on

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Questions & Answers

Higher Planets after Death, Yuga-Theory

Question: To reach a particular higher loka after death (higher in terms of consciousness), do only those who have followed a particular process to reach that loka reach there, or can anyone who has elevated their consciousness reach there? Answer: There is no difference between the two. How will you elevate consciousness without following the

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Questions & Answers

Consuming Unoffered Food and Dietary Habits of Vaishnavas

Question: When we eat general vegetarian food without offering it to Kṛṣṇa, are we committing sin worthy of severe punishment? When it is not possible to arrange prasādam and one resorts to general food, does it qualify as sinful activity? Answer: Śrī Kṛśṇa makes a general statement about offering of food in the following verse:

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