Questions & Answers
Gaudiya Philosophy Questions & Answers

The Playful God beyond God – Part 2

Question: I am taking your view very seriously. It is plausible and searching, but so far I find such a God less attractive than the soul-making God I defend. Answer: There are two ways to know or understand God. One is from our view, the other is God's own view about Himself. They both can

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Gaudiya Philosophy Questions & Answers

The Playful God beyond God – Part 1

Question: Allow me to share my reservations about the Playful God. I understand the psychology of wanting to serve the one you adore, but only when service is needed does it make any sense. All my research tells me that service rendered by evolved spirits in the afterlife is one of the keys to their

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Questions & Answers Vedic Culture

The Gurukula System in Modern Age

Question: Could you explain the purpose and benefits of the gurukula system and if it still has a place in modern society? What are the qualities of a proper teacher and how are they exhibited in a gurukula? Answer: In the past, when a male brahmana child was seven or eight years old, he was

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Questions & Answers Sadhana

What Is Wrong with Onions and Garlic?

Question: What is the rational, logical reason behind not eating Garlic, Onions, (Carrots, etc)? It seems there is not logical reason, only a reference to a myth with several versions claiming that certain vegetables sprouted for the first time in connection with the slaughter of a cow. Can you give any logical reason for this dietary

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Questions & Answers

God’s Love, Samadhi, Meditation on Intimate Pastimes

Bhagavan’s Love Question: In Paramatma Sandarbha you write: “Bhagavan implies that the bliss of His loving exchange with His devotees is superior to Svarūpānanada as well as Aiśvaryānanada. He says that without His devotees He does not want His own Self or His opulence.” What does it mean that He does not want His own

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Philosophy Questions & Answers

Advaita Vedanta, Shastra

Question: What is the concept of shakti in Advaita-vada? Answer: Brahman has no shakti but Isvara has. Question: From where does Isvara get his shakti? If Brahman, the cause, doesn’t have it, how can the effect have shakti?

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Questions & Answers

Different Ways of Chanting, Focus during Japa

Question: I would like to know which chanting is more powerful, in the mind or audibly. 1) Srila Jiva Gosvami writes in his Krama sandarbha: “The names of God should be chanted loudly.” 2) Baladeva Vidyabhusana explain in the Stava malabibhusana bhasya, “If one chants the Hare Krsna mantra loudly, Krsna personally dances on his

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