Guru Questions & Answers

The Role of Guru in the Process of Bhakti

Question: Śrī Viśvanātha Cakravartī writes in Mādhurya-kādambinīi that bhakti comes from bhakti. The Lord is the cause of all causes, so how can anything be beyond Him? Answer: It is a way of analyzing. If bhakti is described as “causeless,” then the question arises: What can we do to get it? We can only do

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Guru Questions & Answers

Recognizing a Qualified Teacher

Question: How does one find and recognize the correct guru for oneself? Answer: Guru means a teacher. As regards to spirituality, guru means a spiritual teacher. A qualified teacher should have three qualities. The first is that he knows the subject well; the second is that he likes to teach, and the third is that

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Guru Questions & Answers

Can Guru Absolve Sins?

Question: Can a guru can forgive the sins of his disciples? Or only Kṛṣṇa can? Does Kṛṣṇa do it through the medium of the guru? This question arose from a statement made by a Christian: “Jesus is not merely a guru; he can forgive the sins of his disciples.” Can a Vaiṣṇava guru be compared

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