Articles by Satyanarayana Dasa Sandarbhas


In Bhakti Sandarbha (Anuccheda 217), Śrī Jīva Gosvāmī divides bhakti into three categories, namely Āropa-siddhā, Saṅga-siddhā and Svarūpa-siddhā. It is easy to understand the last category but there is some confusion about the others, especially the first one. As human beings, we have the ability to act using our mind, body, and speech. These actions

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Love – The Topmost Goal

In the first 60 anucchedas of Prīti Sandarbha, Ṣrī Jīva Gosvāmī establishes that pure love for Bhagavān brings the highest happiness without any taint of suffering. Thus it is the highest goal of human pursuits. He concludes this by the following statement. I cite it here and include my commentary summarizing the essential points of

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Self-Realization Is Not the Ultimate Purushartha

It is common to read or hear that we should love ourselves. Self-love is sometimes propagated as the means to happiness. Śrī Jīva Gosvāmī, however, says that even realization of our inner self will not give complete fulfillment. I produce the relevant part from the first anuccheda of Prīti Sandarbha along with my commentary. 1.3

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Happiness Can Come Only from Its Source

Just as gold can be attained only from a gold mine similarly, happiness can come only from its source, i.e., Bhagavān. Whatever happiness one experiences in this material world is ultimately rooted in Bhagavān. Therefore, knowingly or unknowingly, everyone is looking for Bhagavān. But He cannot be attained by looking for Him unknowingly. Thus, Sri

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Happiness Is the Common Ground

Śrī Jīva Gosvāmī begins his Prīti Sandarbha by explaining that although there are four human pursuits called puruṣārtha, the true desire of every human being is to be happy without any suffering. This, according to him, is possible only if one attains love for Bhagavān, prīti. For this reason, he begins writing Pṛīti Sandarbha. Below

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Questions & Answers Sandarbhas

How Yogamaya Influences Perfected Devotees

Question: Regarding the ānukūlyena kṛṣṇānuśīlanaṃ verse in Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu, Jaya and Vijaya agreed to please Kṛṣṇa by fighting with Him and thus took birth as demons. In this condition, were they aware of this pleasing intention, or were they completely subjugated by yogamāyā so that they could fulfill this role? Answer: They were under yogamāyā. Śrī

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Everything Related to Bhakti is Nirguṇa

[The following is the last part of a transcription of a class on Bhakti Sandarbha, Anuccheda 134] CONNECTION WITH BHAGAVĀN As Śukadeva Goswami explains in SB 8.9.29: yad yujyate ’su-vasu-karma-mano-vacobhir dehātmajādiṣu nṛbhis tad asat pṛthaktvāt tair eva sad bhavati yat kriyate ’pṛthaktvāt sarvasya tad bhavati mūla-niṣecanaṁ yat “Whatever is done by human beings for their body, children,

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