Questions & Answers
Questions & Answers

The Jiva, a Part of Bhagavan’s Shaktis

Question: Can it be said that all of Bhagavān’s śaktis are both inside and outside Bhagavān’s form simultaneously? Answer: Yes, if you consider His form to be limited in time and space. Otherwise, there is nothing outside Him. Question: When we say Bhagavān has acintya-śakti, does that mean each and every śakti of Bhagavān is

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Questions & Answers

Learn the Art of Proper Arguing

Question: Some argue that scriptural references quoted by Śrīla Jīva Goswāmī in Tattva Sandarbha regarding the authenticity of the Purāṇas and their being the fifth Veda is a misinterpretation. They say that such verses do not mention the eighteen Purāṇas of the present time such as Śrīmad Bhāgavatam or Viṣṇu Purāṇa. Rather they talk about ancient

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Guru Questions & Answers

The Role of Guru in the Process of Bhakti

Question: Śrī Viśvanātha Cakravartī writes in Mādhurya-kādambinīi that bhakti comes from bhakti. The Lord is the cause of all causes, so how can anything be beyond Him? Answer: It is a way of analyzing. If bhakti is described as “causeless,” then the question arises: What can we do to get it? We can only do

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Questions & Answers

Humility, Maha-mantra, Raganuga-sadhana

Question: How can I become strong enough to accept my faults? When I introspect, I understand that I have faults but there is a force within that does not want to accept this. Then I blame my flaws on other persons. How can I overcome this and become honest with myself? Answer: If you are

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Questions & Answers

Birth, Creation and Science

Question:  I have a question regarding the birth of living entities. In the Bhāgavatam (3.7.27), it is described how humans are born from wombs, plants and trees from seeds, birds from eggs, and insects from sweat. The first three ways of birth are correct, but in the case of insects, śāstra contradicts pratyakṣa. My question

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Questions & Answers

Irregular Sadhana, Mantras Before Diksha

Question: In one of your articles it was mentioned that knowingly not following śāstra is as good as śāstra–nindā. This was in context of not accepting a guru even though śāstra says to accept one. If a sādhaka, who may have some faith in Bhagavān and śāstra, but due to anarthas or lack of taste,

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Questions & Answers

Material and Spiritual Love

Question: Often Vaiṣṇavas say that in the material world, there is only self-centered love or kāma, while kāma for Krsna is selfless love, or prema. But what about the selflessness, sacrifice, service, or selfless love we experience in this world? Sometimes we hear sādhus glorifying a mother’s love, a wife’s service, etc.? How can we

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