Questions & Answers
Questions & Answers

Interpretation of Yoga Sūtra

Question: In class, I presented my translation of Yoga Sūtra 2.38, “Firmly established in celibacy, strength/power is attained.” The class brought up the topic of gender, stating that brahmacarya and vīrya are masculine oriented statements. Having read the commentaries, I explained that although this may be so, their meaning is really a sense of power,

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Questions & Answers Vedic Psychology

Dealing with Traumatic Situations

Question: How can uncovering repressed traumatic memories benefit a person? Answer:  Our neurological and psychological systems have natural mechanisms to suppress and forget a traumatic situation to thereby avoid unbearable mental pain. Our body also goes into coma or faints when there is too much physical pain. These are mechanisms for survival which may give temporary

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Questions & Answers

Arjuna’s Destination after Kurukṣetra

Question: Some people deny the authority of Bhagavad Gītā because Arjuna did not attain liberation after hearing it. If he attained heaven, which is in the material realm, then what is the sense in reading and hearing the Bhagavad Gītā?   Answer: This is a very vague and weak allegation. The inquirer must substantiate his

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Questions & Answers

Do We Need Astrology?

Question: It is generally known that we can’t fundamentally change the horoscope. According to our karma, we are awarded bodies. The law of karma is so subtle that every part of our body is shaped by the governing celestial bodies and associated personalities. A person’s destiny, therefore, can be ascertained by a knowledgeable astrologer from

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General Questions & Answers

The Implied Meaning of Śāstra

Question: In SB 1.5.15, Nārada Muni, the father of all preachers of Bhāgavata-dharma, is heavily condemning all the works of Vyāsadeva because they encourage people to engage in sense gratification. In SB 11.3.26, one of the Nava-yogendras instructs Nimi Maharaja to have faith in the Bhāgavata and not to criticize other śāstras.  Can you give an

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Indian History Questions & Answers

Animal Sacrifice without Killing

Question: Throughout the Mahābhārata and the Bhāgavata there are references to animal sacrifices being performed by saintly kings. I’d like to more carefully understand the nature of these sacrifices. For example: “Śrī Kṛṣṇa caused three well-performed Aśvamedha-yajñas (horse sacrifices) to be conducted by Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira and thus caused his virtuous fame to be glorified in

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Questions & Answers

Stages of Bhakti, Doubts and Offenses

Question: It seems that anyone who has doubts cannot completely “believe” in the words of śāstra. In SB 1.2.21 it is said that doubts are destroyed upon seeing Paramātmā at the jivan-mukta stage. It follows that there must be doubts at the anartha nivrtti stage. How should I understand this? Answer:  A doubt can be of

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