Shastra Quiz 43
Quiz Shastra

Shastra Quiz 43

Shastra Quiz

This quiz is designed to motivate you to study the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava scriptures in specific, and the Sad Darshanas in general, which are necessary to understand Gauḍīya philosophy properly.


Jnana or knowledge related to bhakti is also part of bhakti. In fact, hearing, which includes studying shastra, is the first limb of bhakti. Learning, followed by consolidating and then testing our knowledge in the form of a quiz is a fun and effective way to help us retain information.

This quiz is in multiple-choice questions format. (MCQs). If you see the response that you anticipated simply click on it. The quiz will immediately show which answers are correct or incorrect so we can learn as we go.

1 / 10

All material objects undergo some or all of which the following transformations?

2 / 10

Why is indeterminate knowledge considered to be beyond sense perception?

3 / 10

Which of the following statements best explains the importance of the principle of sākhaṇḍopādhi in understanding Brahman, Paramātmā, and Bhagavān?

4 / 10

Why can Brahman not be attained by the performance of pious deeds, like giving in charity or sacrifices?

5 / 10

Why does Bhagavān fulfill the desire of the aspirant who seeks realization of Brahman through devotion?

6 / 10

Why does Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī identify the Supreme Lord who spoke the essence of Śrīmad Bhāgavata to Śrī Brahmā as Kṛṣṇa, son of Nanda Mahārāja?

7 / 10

In the Śrīmad Bhāgavata, why has Śrīla Vyāsa included the description of the Kumāras’ attempt to to enter Vaikuṇṭha?

8 / 10

According to Śrī Jīva Gosvāmī, what was the conclusion of the Kumāras after they saw Bhagavān in Vaikuṇṭha?

9 / 10

What is the significance of the phrase "śrutekṣita-pathaḥ" (the path by which You can be seen is through hearing) in relation to the meditation on Bhagavān?

10 / 10

In the following verse from Śrīmad Bhāgavata Purāṇa SB 1.7.7, what does the verb utpadyate (is generated) mean?

yasyāṁ vai śrūyamāṇāyāṁ kṛṣṇe parama-pūruṣe bhaktir utpadyate puṁsaḥ śoka-moha-bhayāpahā

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