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Bhakti-Ratna Course 4
Prīti Sandarbha – By Babaji
Vaiśeṣika Sūtras of Kaṇāda – By Babaji
Sanskrit for Beginners - By Gururaja
Vedic Psychology - By Dr. Joshika Richmond
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Shastra Quiz 29
Quiz Shastra

Shastra Quiz 29

Shastra Quiz

This quiz is designed to motivate you to study the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava scriptures in specific, and the Sad Darshanas in general, which are necessary to understand Gauḍīya philosophy properly.



Jnana or knowledge related to bhakti is also part of bhakti. In fact, hearing, which includes studying shastra, is the first limb of bhakti. Learning, followed by consolidating and then testing our knowledge in the form of a quiz is a fun and effective way to help us retain information.

This quiz is in multiple-choice questions format. (MCQs). If you see the response that you anticipated simply click on it. The quiz will immediately show which answers are correct or incorrect so we can learn as we go.

1 / 10

What is jnana-yoga?

2 / 10

What does the word jnana in jnana-yoga signify?

3 / 10

The word jñāna is used both for ātmā, and for knowledge acquired as a vṛtti (specific impression or modification of the mind). What is the distinction between the two?

4 / 10

If knowledge is mano-vṛtti, or a modification of the mind, and remains external to the ātmā, then how are bhajana memories transferred to the spiritual world with the ātmā, as the citta is also material?

5 / 10

If buddhi, the decision making faculty, is material and different from the ātmā, why is the ātmā responsible for controlling the mind, choosing the right desire of the mind and acting accordingly?

6 / 10

If the ātmā does not have inherent knowledge of Bhagavān, then how does it receive this knowledge?

7 / 10

What is the meaning of nirañjana-jñāna in the following verse of the Bhāgavata (SB 1.5.12)?

naiṣkarmyam apy acyuta-bhāva-varjitaṁ na śobhate jñānam alaṁ nirañjanam kutaḥ punaḥ śaśvad abhadram īśvare na cārpitaṁ karma yad apy akāraṇam

8 / 10

When Śrī Kṛṣṇa says ahaṁ vai sarva-bhūtāni, “I am all living beings”, what does it mean?

9 / 10

What is śāstrīya-śraddhā?

10 / 10

What is the meaning of the word anādi?

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  • Sricharan August 26, 2022

    Then how does the soul merged in brahman can experience the bliss of brahman if he has no senses there?Pls clarify this doubt

    • Raman August 28, 2022


      Question: Then how can the jīva experience Brahman – where there’s no mind, no body and no individual consciousness – and then also keep his own individuality?

      Answer: The sages realize Brahman while still living in the sādhaka deha (their present body). The realization is in the mind, while still maintaining one’s individuality.

      It is not the same as brahma-sāyujya, which is attained after one gives up one’s sādhaka deha and identifies with Brahman. In such a state, the jīva is without any subtle or gross body.

      The sages, however, have their realization while still maintaining a distinction between the self and Brahman

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