Store +3 PREVIOUS STUDIES | LEVEL 1 - Audio recordings of the 5th Semester of Bhakti Tirtha Course (2020-2021) AU-BkT5 ₹45 314.50 In stock Quantity: 1 Add to Bag Product Details Remote Audio Study: $ 550 for complete recordings of the whole course For further information, please contact Bhakti Tirtha Course 5th Semester (2020-2021) The audio recordings will include: - Paramātma Sandarbha (2nd Part) by Babaji Satyanarayana Dasa - Arthasaṁgraha (Laungaksi Bhaskara, edited by A.B. Gajendragadkar and R.D. Karmakar) by Babaji Satyanarayana Dasa - Sanskrit level 1 (Basics) by Jagadananda Das - Sanskrit level 2 (Continuation of Bṛhad Bhāgavatamṛta with ṭīkā) by Jagadananda Das Save this product for later Favorite