Articles by Satyanarayana Dasa

The Meaning of Non-Existence and its Implications on the Self’s Bondage

In Indian Logic (Nyāya), non-existence is called abhāva. There are various divisions and subdivisions of non-existence. Mutual non-existence” means non-existence due to being different. For instance, a table is different from a chair. In a table, a chair does not exist. This is true for all three phases of time.

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Articles by Satyanarayana Dasa

Question of a Dying Man

By Satyanarayana Dasa: It is ironic that even while life is full of uncertainties, we continually try to plan for it and figure out how to lead “successful” lives. Death, on the other hand, is absolutely certain, but we tend to avoid thinking about it, let alone planning for it. We even avoid the word

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