
Happiness Is the Common Ground

Śrī Jīva Gosvāmī begins his Prīti Sandarbha by explaining that although there are four human pursuits called puruṣārtha, the true desire of every human being is to be happy without any suffering. This, according to him, is possible only if one attains love for Bhagavān, prīti. For this reason, he begins writing Pṛīti Sandarbha. Below

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Where Does the Drive for Happiness Come From?

Every living being, not just human beings, has a drive for happiness. It is a natural tendency from birth and is not something acquired by training. Whether someone is learned or illiterate, cultured or uncultured, rich or poor, theist or an atheist—everyone hankers to be happy.  The nonhumans such as birds, animals, and aquatics avoid

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Articles by Satyanarayana Dasa

PURE LOVE – The Rarest of all Jewels to Attain (Part 2)

The ego we identify with in the conditioned stage of existence is our acquired, material ego. It is based on our relationship with this body-mind complex, which is temporary. Just as the body is always undergoing change, so our ego also changes and will continue to change.

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“Art of Love” at Jiva Institute

From March 10th to 17th Babaji Satyanarayana Dasa will teach the seminar "ART OF LOVE" at Jiva Institute in Vrindavan. Everyone is looking for happiness. Some seek it in food, some in sports, some in wealth, and some in sex. But real happiness is found only in love.

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As Seen from the Eyes of Devotional Vedanta. By Bruce Martin. Reiki is a conscious healing energy, emanating from the One conscious Source, which pervades and transcends all of manifestation. Reiki is a specific potency of that unlimited Source, endowed with the frequency to bring healing on all dimensions of embodied being, from the physical,

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Seminars on “Art of Love”

One day seminar in New York on July 9th and five day seminar in Western Massachusetts at Kripalu in September: If you are serious about love, then you need to know what it takes to attain it. This workshop will teach you the alpha and omega of pure love and dispel all misconceptions.

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