Gaudiya Philosophy Sandarbhas

Different Kinds of Bhakti and Karma

Question: Could you specify the difference between āropa-siddhā-bhakti and karma-miśrā-bhakti as defined by Srīla Jīva Gosvami in Bhakti Sandarbha? Answer: Āropa-siddhā-bhakti consists of activities that are not devotional in themselves but become part of devotion because of their contact with bhakti. Primarily it includes offering your actions to Kṛṣṇa, karmārpaṇam. These actions themselves are not

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Questions & Answers

Different Types of Yoga

Question: What is the difference between the yoga which Krishna describes in the Gita or which Lord Kapila describes in the Bhagavatam and the process given by Patanjali and this sampradaya from Lord Siva? Answer: It is the same thing, but Lord Kapila is speaking from the devotional point of view. Patanjali has nothing to

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Questions & Answers Yoga

Astanga and Bhakti Yoga

Questions and Answers with Babaji. Question: I am wondering how this astanga-yoga is connected with bhakti-yoga, or if it is connected at all? Answer: No, it is not connected. Question: Then why is Krsna bothering to explain it?

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Integration of Self into Reality

By Bruce Martin: The Vedic seers investigated and delineated the methods by which attention is shifted from the ephemeral and temporal to the real and eternal. Although different methods were devised for people of different temperament, the common thread running through them is higher order integration of self into an ever more encompassing Reality.

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