Articles by Satyanarayana Dasa

Oh! Ahankara!

Our ahaṅkāra is relentless. It never gives up and is one-pointedly devoted to itself. It only has a single-point agenda – “I am Supreme. There is no one like me.” Unfortunately, the first part is not true and not possible even theoretically. If it were true, then everyone would be supreme. Then being supreme would

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Questions & Answers

Realization of Brahman and the Individual Self

Question: In Siddhānta-ratnam (1.33) Śrī Baladeva says: The conclusion here is this—jñāna (knowledge) is a synonym of the words vidyā and vedana, and it is twofold. One kind is in the form of realization of the meaning of the words tat and tvam in the sentence tat tvam asi (“you are that”), and it is

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Questions & Answers

Self- and Brahman Realization

Question: How can the jīva be a witness of the mind if the mind is the very instrument through which the jīva’s knowledge capacity is actualized since without being conjoined with the body-mind complex jīva’s potential to apprehend remains dormant or idle? Answer: All the material experience of the jīva is outside of him, not

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