Bhakti Sandarbha

Nāma-aparādha: The Second Offense

To Regard the Names and Qualities of Śiva as Independent of Viṣṇu Among the devotees of Kṛṣṇa, Śiva has a very special place. Moreover, Śiva is also one of the guṇa-avatāras. In the Purāṇas, he is often portrayed as the Supreme Lord, Īśvara. There is also a large community of Hindus who accept Śiva as

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Nāma-aparādha: The First Offense

To Criticize a Devotee If we want to reach our destination, we need to follow the proper route and avoid the wrong route. We must know the distinction between them. Just as to follow a particular process we need to understand it clearly, in the same way, to avoid something we need to clearly understand

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Bhakti Sandarbhas

Nāma-aparādha (The Ten Offenses)

There is a very interesting and popular śloka related to Āyurveda—pathye sati gadārttasya kim auṣadha-niṣevaṇaiḥ / pathye’ sati gadārttasya kim auṣadha-niṣevaṇaiḥ. It says that if one follows a proper diet, then what is the use for a sick person to take medicine? And if one does not follow a proper diet, then what is the

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Bhakti Sandarbhas

Kīrtana Should Be Performed Without Committing Offenses (5)

In the internet age, people are very influenced by social media. Different types of lifestyles, foods, drinks, etc. become popular because they are promoted on social media. People reading or watching these things become convinced about their benefits and integrate them into their lives. Based upon this behavior, a question arises in the mind. Kīrtana

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The Universality of Kīrtana (4)

The power of kīrtana is not dependent on any specific time or place. Although kīrtana has become more popular in Kaliyuga than in other yugas, its potency is not derived from Kaliyuga. Kīrtana is spiritual and anything spiritual does not depend on time or place. This is described in the following anuccheda of Bhakti Sandarbha.

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Bhakti Sandarbhas

Glory of Kīrtana Not Disclosed in Other Yugas (3)

If kīrtana is so powerful that even Kaliyuga becomes glorious because of it, then why was it not disclosed in other yugas? Why is kīrtana popularized only in Kaliyuga? Is it that kīrtana has the potency to deliver conditioned beings only in Kaliyuga? If that is true, then why is it so? If that is

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Bhakti Sandarbhas

The Importance of Kīrtana in Kaliyuga (1)

Although kīrtana has its importance in all yugas and is independent of time and place, yet it has special significance in the present time, Kaliyuga. In Anucchedas 270 to 274 of Bhakti Sandarbha, Śrī Jīva Gosvāmī explains the reason behind the significance of kīrtana in Kaliyuga. The translation and commentaries on these anucchedas will be

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