AUDIO - Knowing the nature of the mind-Babaji & Dr. Partap - Kirtan
Language: English with Polish translation
Duration: 18 Hrs
Place: Bobolin (Polland)
Year: June 2012
The workshop subject is The Mind. The subject is frequently considered subtle because – at the first glance – it concerns something that cannot be seen. We will answer the following questions: What is a relationship between one’s mind, thoughts and actions?
- What is a structure of The Mind and what The Mind actually is?
- Where is The Mind located and what are its basic functions?
- Where do emotions origin from and what is their purpose?
- What is the Ayurvedic concept of The Mind?
Partap Chauhan will explain what the mind disorders are – when we can talk about a sick and when about a healthy mind. It is particularly important in the context of the popular lifestyle as being involved in a multitude of problems and overloaded with information we can sometimes just lose our head.
Satyanarayana Dasa will show as the relationship between our soul and mind. He will teach us about the history of Yoga and present its philolosphy in detail. Yoga is an extensive domain, the popular physical exercises being just a part of which.
- What does Vedic Psychology consist in?
- Where do harmful habits come from and why it is so difficult to overcome them?
- What is fear? What is knowledge?
During the workshop we will also have a chance to sit down and meditate with the master, sing together to the sound of an Indian harmonium.