AUDIO - Bhakti Tirtha Course - 5th Semester & Bhakti Ratna Course - 1st Semester: Vedanta Paribhasa
SKU 00006
₹20 185.55
Product Details
Vedanta Paribhasa is an introductory book to the philosophy of Shankaracarya's Advaita Vedanta by Dharmaraja Adhvarindra. It contains eight chapters. The first six chapters delineate epistemology (pramana), the seventh describes Brahman, the object of knowledge (prameya), and the eighth describes the ultimate goal (prayojana). It is the most popular book to get a grasp of Advaita Vedanta.
Babaji reads the terse original text in Sanskrit, elaborates upon it, and explains it. Preliminary knowledge of Sanskrit is helpful to understand this course.
Length: approximately 132 hrs
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