This quiz is designed to motivate you to study the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava scriptures in specific, and the Sad Darshanas in general, which are necessary to understand Gauḍīya philosophy properly.
Jnana or knowledge related to bhakti is also part of bhakti. In fact, hearing, which includes studying shastra, is the first limb of bhakti. Learning, followed by consolidating and then testing our knowledge in the form of a quiz is a fun and effective way to help us retain information.
This quiz is in multiple-choice questions format. (MCQs). If you see the response that you anticipated simply click on it. The quiz will immediately show which answers are correct or incorrect so we can learn as we go.
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What is kaimutya nyāya (the a fortiori argument)?
Kaimutya nyāya is a principle of logic that draws on comparison to establish a conclusion; the principle of “how much more true.” By showing the validity of a proposition of lesser significance, the proposition of greater significance is thereby concluded.
This principle may be exemplified as follows: “If even unconscious chanting of the name of God leads to emancipation, how much greater must be the effect of conscious chanting.”
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What is daśamas-tvam-asi-nyāya?
Ten simple illiterate villagers went to a city festival, and before returning, one decided to take a head count to make sure that no one was being left behind in that strange city. The villager counted nine and could not understand who was missing. He counted again, but reaching the same number asked another to count. Each one that took the task forgot to include himself. Thinking one of their party was missing, they went to make a report. The officer counted, and when he reached the chief villager, he said, “And you are the tenth.”
When they heard this, they realized no one was missing. Their ignorance had to be dispelled by someone outside their group. This is called daśamas-tvam-asi-nyāya, the principle of “You are the tenth.” In this example, the statement “You are the tenth” imparts direct knowledge of the tenth person.
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What is arundhatī-pradarśana-nyāya?
arundhatī-pradarśana-nyāya is the technique of pointing out the star Arundhatī.
It is customary in Vedic culture to show this star to a bride just after her marriage, as Arundhatī is the protector of chaste womanhood. But it is not so easy to spot this star. To indicate it, the priest first points to the constellationcalled Saptarṣi (the Seven Sages), or Ursa Major. Next he points to one of the stars in Ursa Major, and finally to Arundhatī, which is next to the star named Vasiṣṭha.
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What is ekadeśa-nirdeśa-nyāya?
On account of its vastness, we cannot see the entire ocean at once; we can only point to a minute portion of it, which we designate as the whole ocean. This is called ekadeśa-nirdeśa-nyāya — designating a part as the whole.
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What is kāraṇa-guṇa-prakrama-nyāya?
Learn more: Vaikuṇṭha Is Part of the Lord’s Svarūpa (Bhagavat Sandarbha, 49 – Part 2)
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What is prativādī-abhyupagama-nyāya?
Learn more: Vaikuṇṭha-Fall in Grammar?
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What is candra-śākhā-nyāya?
It is the principle by which one precedes the development of a more complex argument by first explaining an easier point, just as one might first point to the branch of a tree to show someone where the moon is.
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What is sūcī-kaṭāha-nyāya?
The basis of this principle is that a task that takes less time to complete is taken up first to get it out of the way. A metal worker who is given the job to make a kettle and a needle works on the needle first.
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What is ahi-kuṇḍala-nyāya?
The basis of ahi-kuṇḍala-nyāya is that of presuming a difference where one does not exist.
kuṇḍalātmano’py aher yathā kuṇḍalaṁ viśeṣaṇatvena manyate - Govinda-bhāṣya 3.2.28
According to this axiom, even though the coil (kuṇḍala) of a snake constitutes the snake (ahi) and is not separate from it, it can nonetheless be considered as an attribute of the snake.
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What is mukta-pragraha-nyāya?
mukta-pragraha-nyāya is the principle of relieving all constraints to disclose the fullest meaning.
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