

How You Can Contribute

Jīva Institute’s goal is to revive the knowledge that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught through the Gosvamis of Vrindavan and again create a center of learning for people from all over the world with the focus on the Gaudiya Vaishnava philosophy. Such place of learning is important to create the authenticity of our sampradaya. 

Babaji’s main project is to create a private university and facilities for guests, students and professors on the Jīva complex. This serves serval purposes: People who need a degree will be able to study there and later pursue a professional career and students who just come for the sake of learning and pursuing their spiritual practices will be able to just absorb themselves in the studies without having to worry about their livelihood and maintenance. The teachings will be conducted in a traditional way unlike in the western academy, where an anti-Hindu bias among professors is common. Prominent philosophies like Advaitavāda will be presented by Vaishnavas, which will enable them to comprehend and (refute if needed) this philosophy from a Vaishnava point of view. There will also be a facility for scholars to stay and do research. He plans to have a special unit of Vedic psychology as part of the new project. 

If you like the activities at Jiva Institute, feel If you feel inspired by the various projects and have benefitted from Babaji’s deep knowledge and tireless teachings, you may consider how you can support these projects. You can contribute specifically to the university project, book publications, Jiva institute’s many cows, just to name a few. You can also donate online here