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Higher Planets after Death, Yuga-Theory
Questions & Answers

Higher Planets after Death, Yuga-Theory

Yuga, planets

Question: To reach a particular higher loka after death (higher in terms of consciousness), do only those who have followed a particular process to reach that loka reach there, or can anyone who has elevated their consciousness reach there?

Answer: There is no difference between the two. How will you elevate consciousness without following the process?

Question: Are the lokas that are lower than Earth also more subtle places?

Answer: Yes.

Question:  Can a sādhu who is not a yogī have control over his destination after death?

Answer:  It depends on what you mean by sādhu.


Question: I have been reading one of Vāmadeva Śāstrī’s (Dave Frawley) books on Vedic astrology/astronomy, and he speaks about “mini-cycles” of yugas inside every “big” yuga. For example, in this Kaliyuga there is one mini-cycle of the four yugas, where a mini-Kali lasts for 1200 years, then a Dvāpara lasts for 2400 years, a Tretā lasts for 3600 years, and a Satya lasts for 4800 years. This goes in ascending order, and then there is a corresponding descending one, and so on till the end of each big yuga. According to this theory, we are now in the midst of a mini-Dvapara period inside Kaliyuga, and the mini-Kaliyuga inside the big yuga ended approximately in the 15th century. Others like Yukteśvara think that we are now in Dvāparayuga, and according to Frawley, this is also in connection to the mini and big-yuga theory. Any thoughts or scriptural references in this regard?

Answer: There are two views on the yuga theory. One view is based on the Purāṇas, which we subscribe to, and the other is by Yukteśvara Girī and others. In the past, I read a big discussion on this. There is mention of a 1200-year period for Kali etc. in Manu-smṛti, but I have never come across the theory of mini-yuga cycles within a yuga, although it is possible, since the guṇas of prakṛti go in cycles. David is probably trying to harmonize the two views.


  • Indira dasi September 23, 2024

    Merely 5,000 years into Kali-yuga we are in an extinction level event of all life on Earth. 5,5 Billion people are no longer human, not even legally, since they volunteered in a medical experiment which has transhumanized their DNA. The MIC (Military Indrustrial Complex) has the potential to blow up the planet at least 300 times. Wherever such weapons of mass destruction are present they will be used, out of curiosity or agression. All creatures and hybrids in high positions are mentally ill and severely criminal, especially those in the military. Given the destruction of nature and the spiritual condition of humanity it is very hard to believe that this age of Kali is going to finish the duration of another 430,000 years.

    In the Puranas and in the Bhagavatam everything makes sense, except the calculation of the yugas.

    • Govardhana dāsa September 23, 2024

      I think it is an exaggeration to say that those inoculated are no longer human, but I agree that they have not been responsible in allowing themselves to be injected and accepting an “experimental” vaccine with an unknown compound, with unsuspected effects on the health of the human body and mind. We are marching towards an asuric, demonic society: a robotic world of Artificial Intelligence and soulless cyborgs enslaving humanity. This Kali Yuga will be terrible –could we expect anything else from the Dark Ages? But according to Lord Chaitanya we still have 10,000 years of grace to enter the bhāgavata dharma.

    • Govardhana dāsa September 25, 2024

      Don’t make sense to you the Yugas in the Bhāgavata Purana? What is “wrong” with it in your opinion? Don’t you see that we are at the beginning of a terrible Dark Age that has only just begun? In The Secret Doctrine of H. P. Blavatsky it is said that ended the first cycle of the Age of Kali around 1900, roughly coinciding with the beginning of the Kumbha Yuga or Age of Aquarius, which lasted approximately 2,600 Earth years. The astrological ages are the sub-cycles of the Yugas. The signs of Kali Yuga are universal and are seen alarmingly everywhere on the planet. It is not difficult to see that as the decades and centuries pass, saṁsāra will become very dense, heavy —even more so than we can already see as modern civilization drifts like a ghost into a center of deep darkness. The only escape will be within, the practice of spiritual Yoga, and in all three worlds trying to establish spiritual embassies of Vaikhuṇṭa and oases of light and love as a refuge for all living entities.

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