Questions & Answers
Questions & Answers

Progression of Births and Species

Question: We are aware that there are 8.4 million species in this material world. Does the jīva have to pass through all these species, one by one, to attain a human form of life? Or does it depend on the guṇa to which it is associated? Answer:  Birth depends on past karma. It is not

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Questions & Answers

Women in Ramayana

Question: I have two questions concerning Rāmāyaṇa. 1)    When Vālī defeated Sugrīva, he threw him out of his kingdom and took his wife away. 2)    When Lord Rāma was ruling Ayodhyā, He sent Sītā away when a man questioned her character. How can we understand this in today’s modern context? What’s the Vedic view on

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Questions & Answers

Buddha-Mysteries, Brahman-Realization

Question: Why is Buddha counted among the Dāśavatāras since his teachings are averse to Vaiṣṇava philosophy? Answer: There are two possible explanations. Some scholars propound the idea that there were two Buddhas. One Buddha is the well-known Buddha who was born as Gautama to King Śuddhodana in Nepal. The other is the Buddha included in

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Questions & Answers

Different Bodily Lusters, Pustimarga

Question: In Krama-dīpikā, Yaśodā is said to be dark blue, and so the contrast of colors would occasion a great splendor. In Gautamiya Tantra, however, her bodily luster is said to be yellow. In his commentary on SB 10.9.3, Jīva Gosvāmī writes: “Atasī, umā, and kṣauma are synonymous [and mean ‘flax’]” (Amarakośa 2.9.20). Moreover, Yasoda’s

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Questions & Answers

Prahlada’s Practice of Ahamgrahopasana (Identification with Brahman)

Question: The stuti of Prahlāda Mahārāja for Bhagavān appears in Śrī Viṣṇu Purāṇa 1.19.85–86. In the last part of the stuti, we read about him performing ahaṁgrahopāsana. Here Prahlāda Mahārāja says things like: 1.)   Bhagavān is situated as Prahlāda Mahārāja’s form. 2.)   I (Prahlāda) am the paramātmā, and this entire creation emanates from me. 3.)  

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Questions & Answers

Sins and Offenses to the Holy Name

Question: Sins are many, starting from unavoidable killing while cooking or walking, etc. There are also sins incurred in one’s lifestyle, in earning a livelihood, and in transportation, agriculture, medicine, and business. It is not possible to avoid these but they are classified as sins to be avoided under seventh offense to the holy name. 

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Questions & Answers Sadhana

Eating Habits, Cleanliness, How to Deal with Loneliness

Question: I’m curious about eating habits according to Ayurveda. Why do so many sadhus and strong bhajana practitioners eat only once a day? Is it good for the health and bhajana? I know that Śrī Haridāsa Śāstrī Maharāja and perhaps you also take prasad once a day. What are the benefits of such a diet?

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