Questions & Answers
Questions & Answers

Questions on Vegetarianism and Killing

Question: Why do we practice vegetarianism? In the material world, we’re caught in a situation where we must kill to eat. This is unavoidable. So the restriction is not on killing but rather on the eating of animal flesh. Why is that? Is there a perceivable reason and/or benefit behind this sanction on meat? Answer:

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Philosophy Questions & Answers

Different Interpretations

Question: We have many cases of interpretations where acharyas differ from each other, or where they give additional information not mentioned in shastra. What exactly is the criterion for accepting such accounts, besides the general principle to stick to what our own line is teaching? To give an example, Rupa Goswami explains in Laghu-bhagavatamrita that

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Questions & Answers

Without Cause and Beginning

Question: Now we are in a state which can be compared to exile, where material and spiritual eyes are mixed. Was there a time that we were not in confusion? Why are we are in that condition now? Answer: There are certain things that have no beginning. We have the experience that things in this

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Questions & Answers

Enjoyment and Sex

Question: I understand that it is intoxicating and thereby leads towards other activities that could cause bondage and I also recognize that  being ”in” a body of senses enjoyment is unavoidable. Indeed the aim is to make sense enjoyment spiritual by enjoying with Krishna but does this extend to all forms of enjoyment – for

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Questions & Answers

The Process to Attain Validated Knowledge

Question: According to Sankhya Karika by Ishwara Krishna, mahat is the first manifestation from pradhana. Ahankara comes from mahat which means buddhi comes first. Individualism takes place by ahankara which is manifested later. How does universal buddhi become individualized? Answer: Ahankara claims buddhi as its own. Appearance of something and it being claimed as personal

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Philosophy Questions & Answers

Kirtan and Philosophy

Question: Namaskara, I have read the question and answers section of your web site with great interest. Coming from the Gaudiya Vaishnava parampara myself, in pursuance of my guru Sripad AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada’s teachings, sankirtan of the holy names of Sri Krsna is the yuga dharma in the age of Kali.  Although the philosophical

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Philosophy Questions & Answers

Chanting the Holy Names

Question: I have a question regarding the following verse: sanketyam parihasyam va stobham helanam eva va vaikuntha-nama-grahanam aseshagha-haram viduh: "One who chants the holy name of the Lord is immediately freed from the reactions of unlimited sins ...

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