Questions & Answers
Questions & Answers

Aliens, Spiritual Planets and Gunas

Question: There is much real evidence and alternative information on the internet about the existence in asteroids and plants in our solar system which can have catastrophic impact. I also heard that there is an underground alien race trying to control our civilization who is in contact with the a secret government. They have created

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Questions & Answers

Souls, Guru, Karma and Liberation

Questions and Answers with Babaji: Question: I remember you explaining how two cells fuse to form an embryo regarding the soul and the karma. Cells are produced in our body all the time. When a cell divides to undergo mitosis, where does the extra soul(s) come from? How does it happen?

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Questions & Answers Yoga

Astanga and Bhakti Yoga

Questions and Answers with Babaji. Question: I am wondering how this astanga-yoga is connected with bhakti-yoga, or if it is connected at all? Answer: No, it is not connected. Question: Then why is Krsna bothering to explain it?

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Philosophy Questions & Answers

Bhakti Is More Powerful

Question: In Bhakti Sandarbha (173) it is said: “The ananya bhak-ness (exclusive devotion) which is mentioned in the Gita (9.30) verse: ‘Even if one commits very bad acts but is exclusively devoted to Me he is considered a saint’ refers to popular faith which is attained through hearsay, as is referred to in the Gita

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Questions & Answers

Is Bhakti a Modification of the Mind?

Question: As you know, Madhusūdana Sarasvatī is a famous Advaitin who wrote a commentary on Bhāgavata Purāṇa 1.1.1 called Śrīmad-bhāgavata-prathama-śloka-vyākhyā and also a book called Bhaktirasāyana in which he characterizes Bhakti as the parama-puruṣārtha.  Many have noted that his belief in Advaita is inconsistent with his belief that Bhakti is the parama-puruṣārtha, but my question

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Philosophy Questions & Answers

There Is no Upgrade for Sthayi-bhava

Question: At the end of the Caitanya Candroday Nataka Mahaprabhu tells Advaita Acarya: “Some devotees are in a mood of servitude, some are fixed in a fraternal mood, some are fixed in the love of Radha and Madhava, others in the Lord of Dvaraka and again others in My different descensions such as Rama and

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Questions & Answers

Short Questions and Answers

Association Question: How detrimental is the regular association of non-devotees (in terms of family, and business associates)? And what is to be done about it? Answer: It is not detrimental if you are fixed in your goal of devotion to God, rather you will influence them. * Enjoyment Question: Is the aim to stop material

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