Bhakti-ratna Course 4
Syllabus Our new course will start on October 15th. The class schedule as per Indian Standard Time from Monday through Friday is as
Syllabus Our new course will start on October 15th. The class schedule as per Indian Standard Time from Monday through Friday is as
Question: Within Vaiṣṇava circles, there is a huge emphasis on humility. One should consider oneself lower than a blade of grass, we ought
Question: How does one find and recognize the correct guru for oneself? Answer: Guru means a teacher. As regards to spirituality, guru means
Question: I am reading your book Tattva Sandarbha, and have been reminded of a question that I could not find a proper answer
Question: Were Jaya and Vijaya, by definition, practicing uttamā-bhakti by their original decision to take on these roles despite their manifested aggression towards
There are 24 evolutes of prakṛti, ahaṅkāra (egotism) being the second in the list. Although second, it is the boss and rules over
Question: Does ākāśa (ether) record almost everything in existence—all information, activities, thoughts, and actions? Answer: No. Question: What does? Answer: The mahat-tattva. *